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The drama queen club.... PART II
The drama queen club.... PART II PDF Imprimir E-mail
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02 de Julio de 2012
 The drama queen club. Please come in
Autora: Marta A Dunphy-Moriel                                                 Spanish  
Second meeting.-My husband forced me to go. In fact, he drove to the door and waited for me to go in before driving off in our red pick-up truck. 
The janitor was sitting there, watching a series on the computer. He barely looked up when I said good evening. 
I didn't want to go. But didn't have any money for a taxi and it was more than an hour's walk back home. Whatever. 
"The drama queen club. Please come in ... "
 "Yes, yes, I know." 'I muttered to myself, opening the door.

The cloud of smoke had miraculously disappeared... Stella must have hired the Mr. Propre team to erase every last trace of the sponsor. Instead, the table was full of brand muffins, as well as a very famous coffee machine. Oh, this promised to be so much fun. I felt I was being cruel, but it was all so ridiculous I had to look for the funny side of it in some way.
Then, while they were eating all the greasy muffins like crazy, as if it were the end of the world, I was in shock on  hearing Rosemary's confession. After a lot of pressure, she ventured to speak to an audience that wasn't listening. They were only devoted to their munchies.
"It's funny how obsessions start. They don't appear overnight. They gradually conquer every inch of your soul, until you are subjected to that impulse. I started using this terrible secret to relieve the feeling of helplessness that the situation of my broken family gave me. Then I started counting calories. My father never stopped worrying about me, saying that I was fading away. He blamed my mother.  I started eating more calories to make sure that my father left my mum alone. A necessary farce, I didn't want them to worry. I did pretty well, because no one has noticed my terrible secret. No one ... NO ONE! I know I have a problem. I know I cant' go on like this and that I'm ill. But why should anyone have to suffer my problems? Besides, I don't want to worry anyone. "-The famished girl finished muttering, looking down to the floor.
"Oh honey, it could be worse, at least you're not an anorexic!"-Stella said with enthusiasm and changed the subject.
I watched them in complete disgust while they swallowed saturated fats and ignored the bulimic's confession.
I clutched my stomach and wondered what kind of world I was bringing my unborn child to.



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